TIme to write, hell yeah. The heat here is cocking unbearable. Yesterday I saw two old men melt to their demise and a puddle of goo on the sidewalk woofed at me. I fear I may have to break my rules and wear shorts, although I'll probably just strip nekkid. I'd rather have indecent exposure than dickhead look.
Been staying at my mate's Christofer for the last week.He has a nice apartment in the lower East side of Manhattan, so I've been crashing on his collapsible sofa. The view from his rooftop is wicked and there's a spot which definatley needs a lick of paint. Went out with him a few nights, got expensively wasted and met a few freakos. One that stands out was a mad Lebanese woman who had come to film a documentary and was robbed and stabbed in the hand in DC. She took a fancy to me but I managed to run away from her drunken grip, thank Allah.
On Thursday we went on a visit to the Museum of Natural History, which is fucking amazing. I managed to walk past a security check into a restricted area, and waltzed about for about half an hour until some guy asked me if I should be there. I know I should have nicked the 'Venus of Willendorf' as soon as I saw it...balls. I had a walk around and marvelled at the array of beautifull objects, animals and thrads. People definitely dressed better back in the days. The prehistoric days where everyone was nekkid and hairy. After a while I went to the 'Injuns' section where we had to sketch. Et voila:

Then we created our own Injunboy:

After a while I went to lunch, and met up with some young sorority going lasses from my course. From what I've seen on the internets sorority girls go down on you the minute you catch their eyesite. These three seemed to take offence at that for some reason. They did however manage to say 'like' every word and a half, which I thought was rather cool. I tried it myself, but failed miserably, only managing to place it at the beginning and end of each sentence.
After lunch I went to the fifth floor and nearly pissed and shat myself out of joy. There for all to see where three Dinosuars! Like real motherfucking dinosaurs like! A smile beamed from my face, happy as I haven't been in years. Fucking Dinosaurs!!! Hell yeah, that made my day.

Friday I finally got to paint! I went to the only goddamn shop in NY to get paint and bought a few cans. A couple of black kids were buying markers in front of me, they couldn't decide what to buy so I stepped up and in my apparently unintelligable british accent asked for my cans. As I was going out I heard them calling at me. I got ready to whack one in the face with my bag and leg it, but when I turned around one said:
"Sir, how much are the cans?"
"Ummm...7 dollars montana, 7.50 Belton..."
"Errr...Sir, do you think you could buy us a can? Here's the money..."
I was a bit baffled, and felt like an old fart being called 'Sir' so much. Then I understood that in NY you can't buy spray cans if you're younger than 18.
"Sure thing" said I and in I hopped with the mission to turn these two young polite boys into graffiti criminals. Jut me giving back a little to society. A good deed a day keeps the coppers away.
I got the train and somehow managed to get to the subway stop with the most difficult to pronounce name in the world "Kosckioszco" <- That's spelt wrong, I can't remember properly. My friend has been arranging a space there turning it into a club and gallery, and he asked me to paint the walls. Friday painting sucked, cause my head felt like a bag of potatos being bummed by a rabid chimpanzee. Saturday morning went fine though, and the big wall was finished succesfully a couple of hours before the party kicked off.
Four bands were playing, some nice punk and I got soaked in beer, sweat, spit and moshed till I thought I was going to throw up. It was hot as fuck, but we'd go outside to smoke cigarettes and 'shoot hoops' at the portorican guys court just in front of the club. I saw an angry NY skinny white guy fight, and some girls with big big booties, which looked like they were full of air, dry hump each other into oblivion. Good times.
The week has rolled back up and I'm moving to my new apartment in Brooklyn today. Found a place with two drummers and a graphic designer, yay! Wednesday it's the road trip off to Tennesse! Yee fucking Ha!
would that apply? :))
the cans there are much cheaper than I imagined
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