Went with Lynn, Andy and Alana to Coney Island the other day. Coney I sland is the sea side resort at the most southern point of Brooklyn. The main attraction, as well as the sea, is the fun fair they have. The resort was built at the beginning of the 20th Century and was very popular. During the Second World War it's popularity declined, but then grew again in the mid seventies. The area is pretty fucking cool, very old school meets Burlesque. Everything is pretty trashy, in a nice way. All the rides look kinda shit, but are charming as fuck. Hand painted signs with vivid colours are spattered here and there. There was also an empty lot, in the middle of two buildings, with a fence blocking it off and a sort of platfrom in front of it. Upon further inspeccion I read the sign, 'Shoot the Freak' and notice the paint ball guns. AMidst all the garbage in the lot there was someone dressed in a hairy costume who darted in and out evading people's shots. He was too quick so I asked whether instead of him I could just take a pop at a crack head on the promenade, there's plenty of freaks around there. But once again my perfectly sane reasoning fell upon deaf ears. We had a wicked few hours, lounging in the sun and drinking cold Corona's. Wish it'd never have stopped.