Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Fuck me yesterday was weird.
Met up with the great Gabi, who's come a few days to New York after being in some kind of corporate bootcamp turned drunk college fiesta up in Canada. Had a walk around Bedford and took some pictures, waiting for my new tat session.
A few days ago I saw a small tattoo parlour near the apartment, and having been ridiculed by all the small girls with massive sleeve tattoo's that live in NY, I decided it's time to get the new one. I walked in and was greeted by a nice Polish girl (this is the Polish area of Greenpoint) who tells me the tattoo artist is in the back. I meet him, check out some of his work, and all seems good. He looks like an Americana devotee so it sorta seems right. I show him the design and he tells me he'll sketch it up and I can come in a few days. I pay my deposit and leave.
A few days pass and I return. I'm wearing my Fred Perry and a decent sized hangover. I walk in the shop and see two massive guys sitting down. One has the same shirt as me, which we both remark. They tell me the other guy can't do it, but they can help me out in a couple of days. I breathe and start to notice small details. Small details like the crudely tattooed 'SKIN' on the centre of my tattoo masters forehead. Or like the various Iron Crosses that adorn his arms and neck. Or the fucking 'SKREWDRIVER' cd that's playing. Great...I'm getting a tattoo from White Power Bill.
But alas, yesterday they fucking cancelled again. I call Andy 'Chiefmag' and he's hanging at the park with Alanna from the Ninjasonik video. I get my bike and ride down there. The sun is finally fleeing and the air is cool. We sit on the grass and Andy offers me a beer. With yesterday's aftertaste of tequila in my mouth I crak a can open and take a sip.
"Yo put it in the bag" Andy tells me.
True, no drinking in public here, put usually a paperbag is passable, and what the fuck, we're in the Park. Lovely Alanna gets up to go to the toilet, and Andy and I chat about random bullshit and most probably ladies. Then I feel a dark presence looming, and as I look up...Whoosh! The first police bycicle circles us, then the second. Balls.
The motherlovin' Po Lice.
"Whatcha got there boys?"
" Sir, is there a problem?"
"Get on the ground now! Hands where I can see them!!"
That last bit is fake.
But they did check up on us for a while, called a cop car, checked on us for another long while, tried to intimidate us, gave us a 25$ fine, and let us finish our beers. Baffling.
Yesterday was also myfriend Nicole's birthday. She was turning 28, so she obviously celebrated her birthday at Chuck E. Cheese, a fine establishment which caters for the entertainment needs of 4 to 12 year olds, providing them pizza and games where you win tickets, with which you get prizes worth less than the amount you paid for your tickets. In conclusion...ermmm not sure yet. Andy, Nicole and I all worked together in Italy so we spllit from the park and head toward Atlantic Ave. on our bikes. On the way there I saw death, once again, in the form of a Portorican in a blue sedan flying down a side street, and my 20$ stolen bike. But, once again, fuck you death!
We arrive at Chuck E Cheese and are approached by some 14 year old hoodlums.
"Yo, you need to pay a fee to get past here"
"Fuck your life"
Quick and easy.
We enter this joint and it's all kids screams, running around, coloured fucking plastic balls, ping dings, and lit up machines. Andy also informs me they don't sell beer. Two employees at the entrance look us down, waiting for us to run away like the pedophiles we look like.
"What can we do for you?"
Strong on our moral grounds of not going under 14 we tell tell them we are attending a party and I do a sort of wavy thing with the birthday card we picked up on the way.
Inside I feel like all this joy is bringing me more, quick, sugar filled death. Good to see Nicole though, but baby, next time it's a BAR! I also bump into the hoodlum again, who continues to piss me off prompting more cursing from me and worried looks from parents. He informs me he's going to Fuck me Up (tm) outside, and at some other point asks me if I don't like him cause he's black. I tell him no, just cause he's an asshole. I love fighting 14 year olds, they are soft and maleable. Old ladies are pretty good for kicking too.
We finally left and came back up to Bedford, where we met Alanna and Lin, two bubbly, drunk honeybabies. One drink turned into lots and it seems I'm marryin Lin sometime soon. You're all invited, open bar and nakedness assured.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Life sometimes is hard.
Yesterday I got up and got a call from my buddy Andy Smith. "Yo man, we're shooting the Ninjasonik video for Artschool girls. Go round my house, get my camera and come down". I hopped on my bike, and 20 minutes later , a wet t-shirt and several kilos lighter I arrived at the Bodega. So instead of going to do some artwork somewhere, which was my original plan for the day. I spent it drinking and looking at lovely girls dancing, which was a rather pleasent plan B. I got crunking, got one of the girls numbers, and got my mural shot as a backdrop for the band. Score!
Well....I hope I do anyway

Monday, July 21, 2008
Just felt the need to add that although New York is pretty kickass, and the live music is much better. We party much harder in Bucharest. Here all the places close at 2, and people go home. I'm starting to get drunk and everyone else is hooked up and yawning. In Bucharest we party like it's 1999 every fucking day of the week.
And I love that
Oh yes I fucking do
Where did the last few weeks go? Let me go back a bit.
It seems that everyday there are interesting events to go to in New York.
-I've been to a punk party on a boat, floating down the East River, with Captain Birdseyesteering, and a bunch of hipsters rockin' the boat like it's 1977.
-Went to the Os Gemeos exhibition, which was so good I fell to the ground and lay there sucking my thumb for a few hours. Gave props to one of the Pandolfo's and saw 'Seen'.
-My friend Andy is doing a series of interviews for a magazine. Last Thursday he invited me along and we met up with Dj Funk, who told us all about how he loves bitches, ass, money, titys, ho's, booty, benjamins, honeybabies, sweet honeybabies, hundreds, and from time to time ladies (nasty ladies). It was kind of cool to be dancing on stage with him though.
-Met some uber rich kids and had a night on acid on top of a building overlooking Central Park. The building's entrance looked like Palatul Mogosaia. I thought the apartment was incredible, with high ceilings, marble, and huge full length mirrors. That was until I heard a 'ping', the doors opened and I stepped out of what was in fact the lift. These kids were a bunch of flat line freaks. They're detachment from reality and their tripe conversation was worthy of praise. So I got the fuck out of there as quickly as my legs stopped being made out of spoons.
-The loft where I'm at is nice but hot as fuck. I'm staying just off Bedford which has the largest concentration of hipsters per square metre in the world. Some of these people are so hot their faces have melted off and they just have an odd melange of pink muscle tissue and cream bone, yet they're still fucking hot.
-The neighbourhood is cool though. Next door we have Mc Carren pool park, where they're doing free concerts every Sunday. This weekend I saw Fuck Buttons, The Liars, and Andrew WK Djing. Next week is The Ting Tings and Mgmt. Hell yeah.
- There's a lot to do in Ny, but like everywhere I go, it seems people just hang around with their clique, and do what they always do. They all have fun and they're all bored of having the same fun over and over again.
-Aaaaand I finally finished the second mural at the Bodega, which is like my New York Ota's.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
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